Our family room looked like this at first…
and honestly, it’s not a lot better now. Unpacking comes in fits and starts. We’re overrun by cardboard that needs to be recycled or stored in the garage. But now, at least, we have clear pathways to all exits — which means the cardboard may burn up, but we won’t go with it!
Our merger of households did not include a sofa, but between us we had seven (7) cocktail shakers. Yes, I counted because it became funnier and funnier with each cocktail shaker unwrapped. What does that say about us?! I’m going with “We like to entertain,” because “We’re booze-hounds” is just unflattering. That said, in looking through the photos of the year, there quite a few photos of drinks.
While we still lack a sofa, none of our guests have complained, since we have a full dining room table and all the makings of some photo-worthy cocktails.